

Format Paperback, EBook
ISBN 9789937049047
Pages 164
Language Nepali
Edition 1st
Genre Short Stories
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Aghori is a collection of 17 short crisp stories by writer Rajendra Parajuli. This collection consists of stories that give a sneak-peek into different aspects of modern Nepali society. Every person has a different story but not all are shared. The writer has tried to share the stories of such untold expressions, emotions, love, pain, frustration, and happiness in Aghori.

Aghori is Parajuli’s fourth collection of short stories. Besides short stories, Parajuli has also written poetry and novels. His previous collection of stories, Shukraraj Shastri ko Chasma, was shortlisted for Madan Puraskar in 2017.

Aghori’s characters include a failed politician seeking some respite; a Bhutanese researcher trying to unravel the mystery of the Royal Massacre; and an author desperately aiming at the Madan Puraskar.

चार दशक यताको प्रमुख राजनीतिक घटनाक्रम, जनमतसंग्रह, जनआन्दोलन, सशस्त्र द्वन्द्व र मधेश आन्दोलनलाई कथाहरूमा समेटिएको छ । यस पुस्तकमा राजनीतिक बिषय वस्तुमात्र छैन, समाजका थुप्रै क्षेत्रका विसंगति र यथार्थ पनि प्रतिबिम्बित भएका छन् । कथालाई प्रतीक र व्यङ्ग्य मार्फत अभिव्यक्त गर्ने लेखकको  शैलीका कारण ‘अघोरी’ का कथाहरू पठनीय छन् ।

About the Author

Rajendra Parajuli
Rajendra Parajuli
राजेन्द्र पराजुली मूलतः कथाकारका रूपमा परिचित छन् । उनका विकल्प यात्रा, जाडोमा भोक, सपनामा मार्क्स, शुक्रराज शास्त्रीको चस्मा र अघोरी कथासङ्ग्रह प्रकाशित भएका छन् । शुक्रराज शास्त्रीको चस्मा कथासङ्ग्रह २०७३ सालको मदन पुरस्कारको छोटो सूचीमा परेको थियो । कथासङ्ग्रसहित पराजुलीका अनायिका उपन्यास, भ्रष्ट संवेदना कवितासंग्रह र कोटेश्वरको केटो संस्मरणकृति प्रकाशित भइसकेका छन् । पत्रकारितामा आवद्ध उनका कथामा पेसागत विकृतिसमेत केलाइएका हुन्छन् ।