

Format Paperback
ISBN 9789937949200
Pages 368
Language Nepali
Edition 1st
Genre History
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The book 'Sati: Itihas ra Mimansa' is about the Sati system in Nepal. It deals with the historical, social, and psychological aspects of the system. Discussing how a male-dominated society took advantage of the ancient custom of burning a deceased man's wife on his funeral pyre, the book also discusses other forms of violence against women, such as the practice of untouchability during menstruation.

It also talks about how the sati system was used to control women's sex lives and how it was used as a weapon to gain power by royal families.

पुरुषप्रधान समाजमा पत्नीको प्रयोजन भनेकै पतिको कुलका लागि छोरा जन्माइदिनु हो । पत्नीबाट जन्मिएको छोरो आफ्नै रहेको सुनिश्चित गर्न स्त्रीको यौनजीवनलाई कठोर अनुशासन'मा राख्न पतिहरूले आवश्यक ठाने । यसका लागि पातिव्रत्यको महिमा गाएर पत्नीलाई सिर्फ पतिप्रति बफादार बन्न प्रेरित गरियो । पतिव्रता धर्मको कठोरतम रूप हो, सतीप्रथा । यसले पत्नीलाई जन्मजन्मान्तरसम्म पतिकी अनुगामिनी बन्न उक्साउने र बाध्य पार्ने दुवै काम गर्छ । पतिको मृत्युपछि पनि पत्नीलाई 'परपुरुषगामिनी' बन्न नदिन उसको हत्या गरिदिन्छ ।

About the Author

Sujit Mainali
Sujit Mainali

सुजित मैनाली इतिहासका विषयमा लेख्न रुचाउने नेपाली लेखक हुन्।